GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
The following video animations were prepared at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and are based on version 4 of the GISTEMP analysis. They use a different color table than the SVS animations described below as well as a different but similar map projection, and do not attempt to estimate and fill in temperatures in missing data areas.

5-Year Mean Anomaly, 1880-2024
Begins with the 1880-1884 mean calendar year anomaly and ends with 2020-2024.
Duration is about 35 seconds.
+ View MP4 video (2.1 MB).
10-Year Mean Anomaly, 1880-2024
Begins with the 1880-1889 mean calendar year anomaly and ends with 2015-2024.
Duration is about 35 seconds.
+ View MP4 video (1.6 MB).

Since 2007, Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has created animations based on the GISTEMP dataset following the end of each calendar year. Their most recent animation of the temperature anomaly available was released in January 2025 and shows the rolling 24-month mean anomaly of surface temperature for 1880 through 2024. The animation frames show show the rolling average, so that the animation begins with the 1880-1881 global surface temperature anomaly, advances in one month increments, and ends with the 2022-2023 anomaly. This animation was based on version 4 of the GISTEMP analysis, which in turn is based on the GHCN v4 and ERSST v5 datasets.
SVS posted a similar rolling 24-month anomaly animation for 2023.
Previous SVS animations of the global temperature anomaly showed a rolling 5-year mean anomaly. These animations are available for 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, and 2006.
Animations created prior to the 2019 posting were based on either version 2 or 3 of the GISTEMP analysis, which used earlier versions of the GHCN and ERSST input datasets and also included SCAR data (see the GISTEMP history webpage).