Datasets and derived material are available from websites at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies for the following research projects:
Climate Simulations
- Earth's Energy Imbalance
- Efficacy of Climate Forcings
- Climate Simulations for 1880-2003
- Dangerous Human-Made Interference
- Transient Simulations with Beryllium-10
- Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance
- Desert Dust, Industrialization and Agricultural Fires
SWING2 Stable Water Isotope Intercomparisons
Climate Forcings
- Forcings in GISS Climate Model
- Dust Mineral Fractions at Emission
- Globally Uniform Mineral Dust Aerosols
- Global Land Cover Datasets
- Surface Exchange of Carbon Dioxide
- Surface Exchange of Methane
Climate Impacts
- AgMIP Climate Forcing Datasets for Agricultural Modeling
- Evolving Fragility of the Global Food System
- Global Fire Weather Database (GFWED)
Planets, Exoplanets and Astrobiology
- Simulations of Planetary Climates with ROCKE-3D
- Saturn Mean Zonal Winds and Eddy Momentum Fluxes
- Objective Classification of Saturn Cloud Features
Earth Observations
- GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)
- GISTEMP Uncertainty Analysis
- Common Sense Climate Index (CSCI)
- Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP)
- Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP)
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGE II) V6.20
- International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)
- GEWEX Cloud System Study Data Integration for Model Evaluation (GCSS-DIME)
- Cumulus And Stratocumulus Cloudsat-CAlipso Dataset (CASCCAD)
Radiative Flux
- ISCCP-FH Global Surface and Atmospheric Radiative Fluxes
- ISCCP-FH Radiative Kernels
- Surface Solar Irradiance: Datasets Produced for SeaWiFS