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Observed Land Surface Precipitation Data: 1901-2000 (CRU TS 2.0)

Data Maps

You may generate a precipitation anomaly or trend map using the following form. An explanation of the input elements is appended below. The maps generated are based on data from the CRU TS 2.0 dataset. However, please note that in order to reduce the time required to generate maps from the data, we use here a copy of the CRU dataset which has been re-gridded to a coarser 2.0° × 2.0° resolution.

Note: Generating figures may take 5-6 seconds. Please be patient.

Input Elements

  • Map type:
    • Anomalies: Average over a specified mean period and time interval and relative to a given base period.
    • Trends: Change of a specified mean period over a specified time interval based on local linear trends. Please be aware that using the CRU TS 2.0 dataset to analyze trends is hazardous. Please consult the dataset documentation for guidance.
  • Mean period: Any monthly, seasonal (3-month or 6-month) or annual mean.
  • Time interval: Years over which data means are averaged or trends are found; if the mean period straddles 2 calendar years (e.g., "Winter: Dec-Feb"), enter the later year in the "Begin" and "End" boxes. Period must be within 1901-2000.
  • Base period (not used for trends or means): Time interval to which anomalies are relative.

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